Thursday, 8 September 2011

tokyo tokyo tokyo

Enjoy scrolling through..
If you look closely enough in the right hand corner is mount fuji.

Harajuku Girl hits the town

lucky enough to see a traditional Japanese wedding.

5am start to visit Tokyo's fish market. WOW.

tuna anyone?

antiques market.

this picture is my favourite. Why?
I love the colour and blurred caption of the taxi.

We were lucky enough to have visited Tokyo two weeks before the earthquake hit.
This was one of the most magical and surreal trips that I have been. Highly recommended!

i love tokyo

my trip to tokyo in pictures.

if you thought the underground was complicated in London, try Japanese!

This was the longest flight that I have had to endure. It was one of the most memorable.
I attempted a blog on Tokyo upon return, but got distracted with final year and never got the time to share my pictures with everyone.